Saturday, December 18, 2010

Volunteering at the Sacramento Room

I waited a couple weeks to write a post about my volunteering at the Sacramento Room. There is this onslaught of new information and my brain is on overload. My first project is organizing and taking inventory of the Book Arts Collection, which has some pretty amazing items. The task I will be working on this coming week is going through their section on The Roxburghe Club of San Francisco, which contains keepsakes from many meetings they have held over the years. Fine printing from Northern California presses, they each need their own separate folder.

The original Roxburghe Club began in England in the Duke of Roxburghe’s library with a dinner among friends. The San Francisco branch began in 1928 in honor of the original club, both still active, and continues to put out keepsakes, invitations, announcements and special dinners. It is a bibliophile paradise for fine printing. Here is a keepsake of one meeting, a will and testament that leaves behind advice to humankind.

Other interesting bits of printing I have found are a couple small pamphlets from the Typophiles. The Typophiles, located in New York city, is an association that appreciates fine typography and bookmaking. Known for their production of chap books, pocket-sized booklets, here is a glimpse of one from 1940.

And if anyone was thinking of what to get me for Christmas this year, Bookbinding & Conservation: A Sixty-Year Odyssey of Art and Craft by Don Etherington, would be fantastic. Thanks!

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