It was my first lab visit in a one-on-one setting and it was very comfortable. We all sat over tea and just discussed the profession after getting through school, the capabilities of being able to talk with those you’ll be working closely with and even some advice on how to handle applying for a couple of internships this summer, which I was very thankful for. One thing mentioned was don’t downplay enthusiasm when interviewing or applying for any position. I often times feel I can be a bit overly excited and try not to reach that annoying level, but Debra reassured me that showing a level of excitement is often downplayed when it should not be.
Two great reading recommendations I received from Victoria were Papermaking by Dard Hunter and The Science for Conservators Series Vol. 1-3, put out by the Conservation Unit Museums and Galleries Commission, which she said really helped in her understanding of learning chemistry and linking it with conservation in her studies. Very excited to dig into those books.
What was great about the visit was just talking and finding out more about how these two wonderful women ended up in conservation. I love hearing people’s stories and what makes them passionate about what they are doing. Everyone who ends up in conservation comes from such different paths it’s always exciting to hear how they made the long journey. Plus, it lets me know if these are colleagues I see myself working with in the future. It’s important to understand the working environment as well. I started out in the people business, sales. I’m glad all those years of talking makes it a comfortable experience opening up to others.
You can follow the Legion of Honor conservation efforts along with the de Young Museum over on their blog FAMSF Conservation. Here is one of my favorite paintings at the museum, The Bath by Jean-Léon Gérôme.
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